Cyber Penance

Apologetics, Devos, Random Thoughts

Category: memory

2 Posts

Power of the Holy Spirit

"You know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God." ~Jesus

Bishop's Encyclopedia of Religion, Society and Philosophy

James Bishop (PhD candidate) - Public Access to Scholarly Resources (and a few of my reflections...)

SixDay Science

Faith in Science | Science in Faith

History for Atheists

New Atheists Getting History Wrong!

Christian Apologetics Alliance

answering seekers, equipping Christians, and demonstrating the truth of the Christian worldview

Be Prepared To Give a Defense

God's Existence, the Gospel, and making Disciples.

Daniel B. Wallace

Executive Director of CSNTM & Senior Research Professor of NT Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary

god from the machine

A former atheist explores the Christian worldview


Christianity. It's funny because it's true.

The Blog of David Robertson

Shadow To Light

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. - George Orwell

Is Christianity True?

finding the truth in an unreasonable world with J. Steve Lee

Bible Backgrounds

Research and Commentary from Dr. Craig Keener

Thomistic Bent

Apologetics, Philosophy, Theology, Culture

Real Life Apologetics

Giving a defense of the Christian faith, one relationship at a time


Responding to Critics, Seekers, and Doubters